Where Should I GO After You Were GOne?

In life, you will be met with many people. Lots, lots of it. Then nature will decide that one of them will be close to you. However, is that so, you are sure he will be your companion forever?

Perhaps, forever is too long. Moreover, if your meeting with him only takes a short time. You then decide to be closer than friends, more intimate than friends.

A love story is always sweet especially if it's seasoned with a small quarrel that ends with a hug of forgiveness. However, what if one day all had to stop with the phrase "sorry, everything must end"?

After he left, everything became heavy because now, you have to go through the same road, visit the same eating place, look at the same dusk, but now, you alone without it. You might feel the world is too evil to make you support this all alone, but what can you do? Everything has happened, and really it's time for you to go through everything yourself.